Greetings Fellow Lions,
I hope everyone had a wonderful summer ! We are now starting back to our regular meeting schedule – good time to bring a prospective new member. We look forward to seeing everyone.
Our next dinner meeting will be on Wednesday, September 11, 2024 in the ballroom at the Chester River Yacht & Country Club – 5:30 p.m. Social hour / 6:30 p.m. Dinner / 7:15 p.m. Guest speaker & meeting
Our guest speaker will be Lion Debbie Connor who will give a presentation on our Christmas Basket Program. We will also vote on our budget for 2024 – 2025. Reminder : If you choose to come at 7:15 for the meeting / guest speaker only you will not be charged for a meal.
PLEASE RSVP by replying directly to so we know how many meals the club needs to prepare. If you are coming at 7:15 and are not going to eat dinner please let me know – that way we can have extra seats available.
Lion Glenn Owens, Secretary