Picnic Announcement

Lions Club July Picnic

Fellow Lions,

   always, time is flying, and we are now in July.

Again this year, our Club has scheduled the Annual Club Picnic at the Country Club Dock Bar. This year, the date will be Tuesday, July 16th at 6 p.m. Please mark your calendars now!   As always, family and friends are invited to attend.

The menu will be:

  • Choice of Burger, chicken sandwich, or Caesar salad with grilled chicken
  • Included, will be potato salad and cole slaw, a cookie tray, iced tea or lemonade
  • A cash bar will be available

The cost will be $20.00 per person (includes tip).

Please check your calendars and reply to me via e-mail at paul_eieio@yahoo.com or by phone (410 810-4308) as soon as possible. Let me know how many in your group will be attending, and the menu choices they would like. If you want to just reply to this e-mail with you information, please just hit “Reply”, not “Reply All”

Please respond no later that Thursday, July 11th, so that Jerren can plan accordingly!

I case you missed it at the Installation Meeting, I have the honor of being this year’s King Lion. Please wish me well, and pass along any constructive input that might benefit our Club.

See you at the Picnic,

Paul McDonald


410 810-4308