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Name: Mailing Address: Date of Birth: Email: *Home Phone: Work Phone: *Cell Phone: Occupation: Name of Spouse / Partner: *Sponsor: Date of Application: Programs/Activities of Interest: Bay to Bay Bike RideChicken BBQAdopt a HighwayChristmas Basket ProgramShotgun Raffle SalesPeace Poster ContestVision Screening for KidsTransportation Program (eye appointments)Christmas Flowers / Gifts for Nursing HomesHomeports Health FairFood PantryLions helping with 4H FairHalloween ParadeDiabetes AwarenessOther If Other, Please Specify: Additional Comments: Membership dues will be billed quarterly. The cost is $31.00 per quarter plus the cost of meals for the dinner meetings you attend. For regular dinner meetings the cost is $22.00 per meal. For special dinners (Christmas and Valentines) the price will be slightly higher. You will be receiving an email from the Lions Club Secretary a week before each meeting to RSVP. We have to take reservations so the Country Club has an accurate count for meals. Welcome ! Great to have you as a member of our club! Please prove you are human by selecting the key.